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Fearing “Saroya” would rise and attack everyone around her, Ellie had taken no last meal, had met with no family or chaplain. She’d inventoried her worldly belongings—ChapStick, college textbooks, four dollars in change, and her journals—with a swift efficiency.
Ellie had made peace with her fate long ago, had hungered to die ever since the night of her arrest. She’d written apologies to the victims’ families, saving them to be delivered after she was gone.
“Please hurry, sir,” she begged the elderly warden.
At that, a hum of murmurs broke out in the next room. The witnesses behind the tinted glass window didn’t know what to make of her behavior, didn’t know how to process such an unusual murderer.
She was young, had filed no appeals to her sentence, and by all accounts had never displayed violent behavior growing up.
There had been run-ins with the law. Some minor—getting caught parking with boys. Some not so minor—poaching on state lands and refusing to testify against family members or cooperate with law enforcement.
But there’d never been a drop of human blood spilled by her hand until a yearlong killing spree.
Saroya had been busier than Ellie had ever dreamed.
“I’m ready.”
The warden frowned at her, and the two prison guards flanking him shuffled uncomfortably. Against all their best efforts—and Saroya’s—they’d ended up liking Ellie, admiring her quiet determination to educate herself, to earn a degree, though she had no future.
Ellie had always had a good sense of people, and she’d ended up liking the three back. “Thank you for everything.”
“Then God be with you, Ellie Peirce.” The warden turned toward the adjoining control room. As the guards followed him out, one briefly laid his gloved hand on her shoulder. The other gave her a quick nod, but she could tell he’d be affected by her passing.
The door shut behind them, a deafening final click. I’m alone now. She stared after them, comprehending that no one would be getting out of this room alive.
Alone. So scared.
I didn’t want to have to die. . . .
She gazed at her arms, strapped to the padded supports. Her wrists were taped, her palms up. The two IV lines were a dozen feet long, running from her inner arms to a pair of portholes in the wall behind her, continuing into the control room.
Half an hour ago, a nameless, faceless doctor had started a saline drip back there. At high noon, he would add a trio of chemicals, and moments later, the nightmare would be over forever.
Have to finish this. Almost there.
Funny what one would think about on the verge of death. How many people knew—to the minute—when they’d pass on?
She doubted anyone had ever gone to her own execution with such a feverish drive still spurring her, with a goal and an iron will bent on achieving it. Far from muting her determination, jail had only honed it, like adding layer after layer of plating to shore up a mountain train trestle.
I’m about to win. To beat her. Saroya had risen only twice in the last five years, both times in the first few months. Ellie’s blackouts had resulted in the permanent disfigurement of two fellow inmates.
All done with her bare hands.
Long dormant, the demon now stirred. Sensing its own doom? That’s right, you’re going down, bitch.
Only two things could save her life at this point.
An unexpected call from the governor.
Or Saroya’s powerful red-eyed mate.
Not a day went by that Ellie didn’t think of the fiend named Lothaire the Enemy of Old. She’d seen the male appear out of thin air and then vanish, had seen bullets annoy him. Members of her family, the sheriff, and those deputies had witnessed these things with her, no matter how many times that up-for-reelection sheriff told her they hadn’t. . . .
She craned her head back to look at the clock on the wall behind her. Three minutes till noon.
One hundred and eighty seconds until death slipped down the tubes.
Though driven, Ellie wasn’t without regrets. She wished she could have used her hard-won psychology degree, had a career, made friends with women who weren’t murderers.
She regretted never having a family of her own. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so careful not to wind up a teen mother like her mama and grandma.
Hell, maybe Ellie should’ve given it up to one of those eager boys she’d gone parking with. She probably should’ve been less rigid and unbending in general.
Unbending. But that was the Peirce in her; Ellie would get her way in the end. Best step aside.
Another glance at the clock. Two minutes till—
The lights flickered, ratcheting up her anxiety. Another power surge a moment later had the witnesses muttering nervously.
With the third flicker, Ellie froze with dread even as the EKG went crazy. Nothing can stop this! Heart rate 150, 170, 190 . . .
Darkness. The EKG went blank with a last jagged spike.
No windows in the death ward. Pitch blackness. The witnesses were banging on the door, clamoring for an evacuation.
“What’s happening?” Ellie cried. For some reason, no generator fired up, no backup lights to cast a glow.
Lying in the dark, strapped to a gurney.
In the distance, a scream rang out.
About to hyperventilate, she twisted against her restraints, cursing her bonds. “What’s going on out there?”
An agonized yell sounded, but she refused the thought that surfaced. A jarring clap of gunfire fueled her fears. Some man bellowed, “I can’t see him! Where the hell did he go—” then came a bloodcurdling scream. Another man begged, “Please! Nooo! Ah, God, I have a fami—” Gurgling sounds followed.
Realization took hold.
He had come. Lothaire the Enemy of Old had returned for her.
Just as he’d promised. . . .
“ That little súka,” Lothaire sneered as a guard’s neck snapped in his fist. Elizabeth was about to be executed—voluntarily—for a trifling number of murders.
In mere moments.
The guard’s partner fired wildly in the dark; bullets plugged Lothaire’s skin, but he hardly noticed them.
He’d fed yesterday and was strong from it. At least, his body was. His mind, however . . .
With a yell, he lunged forward to slash his claws across the shooter’s throat. When blood splattered over his face, Lothaire’s fangs sharpened for flesh, his thoughts blanking.
Madness. Licking at my heels.
Even now with so much at stake. Too many victims, too many memories. Forever tolling.
No, focus on the Endgame! Get to her, save your female.
His foes had prevented him from reaching her sooner. If I’m too late . . .
He charged forward through lightless corridors, easily seeing in the dark, but the place was a maze of hallways and minuscule rooms.
Blyad’! He couldn’t scent her over the odor of ammonia. Another hallway came into view, more labeled chambers: family rooms, visitation rooms, cells.
No time. He’d warned Elizabeth not to hurt his female. Yet she’d opted to have herself condemned, directing her public defender to file no appeals, to broker no pleas.
After living thousands of years, Lothaire was very rarely surprised; her actions had surprised the hell out of him. Running into a hail of bullets was one thing, tirelessly plotting a years-long suicide quite another.
He couldn’t decide if she was fatally flawed with willfulness or crazed.
In any case, she was proving to be a thorn in his side, costing him in untold ways. Lothaire was known throughout the Lore for collecting blood debts from immortals in dire straits, bargaining with them to make deals with the devil. Though he was proud of his overflowing ledger of entries, hoarding them, he’d already burned two because of Elizabeth.
He’d forced a beholden oracle to keep tabs on her incarceration. And just minutes earlier, an indebted technopath had accompanied
him here to cut all the facility’s power, including the backup generators, leaving no lights, no cameras.
Only utter confusion.
And that was the extent of Lothaire’s plan today: technopath cuts power while vampire massacres his way to female. Laughably simple for a born strategist.
As if to sacrifice themselves to the plan, two guards intercepted him in the corridor, shining their flashlights into his red eyes. During their stunned silence, Lothaire had time to anticipate their reactions.
The larger one to the right will fire first, three shots before he realizes I’ve plucked his spine from him. The one to the left will stutter an answer to my question, though he knows he’ll die directly after.
“Hands where we can see ’em!”
Lothaire attacked. First shot, second shot, third—
A tortured scream. The big one’s spineless body crumpled to the floor.
With one hand, Lothaire tossed away the length of bone. With the other, he lifted the remaining guard by the throat. “Which way to the execution chamber?”
Lothaire eased his grip just enough for the man to grit out, “R-right, then . . . then second left. All the way to the end. But p-please—”
Snap. By the time the guard’s body collapsed, Lothaire was already at his second left.
He’d put Elizabeth from his mind, assured she’d be relatively safe. After all, he didn’t care about her mind, only about her body, the temple that housed his Bride.
My mate. The female meant only for him. And what a glorious, bloodthirsty female she was. . . .
Did Saroya sense this execution? Was she desperately struggling to rise, to protect herself?
His black claws dug into his palms till blood flowed. Focus. Focus!
As he delved deeper into the building, Lothaire fought to distance his thoughts from his own recent imprisonment. The reason I’m late for my Bride’s execution.
Weeks ago, when he’d learned of this date, he’d been on the verge of rescuing Saroya. Then he himself had been captured by the Order, a mortal army.
He’d escaped them . . . but in time?
Beams from more flashlights shone ahead. Three guards in riot gear escorted out a handful of civilians.
“Is someone there?” one guard demanded.
Lothaire envisioned cutting a swath of blood and screams through the group. No, focus! Though pleasurable, it would be selfish.
To save time, Lothaire traced past them, disappearing and reappearing in an instant.
When he reached the viewing room, he teleported inside. Two young males had just burst through the door of the adjoining execution chamber to guard her, fumbling with Maglites and assault rifles.
Then, for the first time in five years, Lothaire’s gaze fell upon Elizabeth. The last time he’d beheld her, she’d lain in the snow, her unusual gray eyes peering up at him with delightful fear.
Now she lay restrained, dressed in a dingy orange uniform. Her long, coffee-colored hair was pulled back severely from her face.
Again, she was terrified, her eyes darting blindly in the dark, but he felt no sympathy, only hatred.
This was all her doing! With Elizabeth’s blessing, needles had been sunk into both of her inner arms—
A transparent liquid already flowed down each tube.
His heart felt like it might explode. Too late?
With a roar, he traced inside, batting the two males away, launching them headfirst into opposite walls.
“Who’s there?” Elizabeth cried when he laid shaking hands on her delicate arms to thread those needles out of her veins. “What’s happening? Can’t see!”
He leaned down to scent the fluid, nearly sinking to his knees with relief. Saline. No chemical odor, merely salt water.
To be certain, he sliced the line with one claw and dripped the liquid on his tongue.
But if he’d been seconds later . . .
As he ripped free the electrodes covering Elizabeth, he grated, “You’ve been a bad little mortal.”
A sucked-in breath. Then she yelled, “Stop this, you bastard! You leave me be!”
Once he’d slashed through her bonds, he clamped his hand around her wrist and yanked her to her feet.
Before Lothaire traced her back to the safety of his home, he promised her, “Now, Elizabeth, you will pay.”
* * *
When the ground suddenly reappeared beneath her, Ellie pitched forward. She knew that monster had ahold of her, would recognize Lothaire’s voice anywhere.
That deep, accented timbre had haunted her dreams.
As nausea washed over her, she realized that she was no longer in the prison. Somehow he’d transported her into a fancy sitting room, some type of mansion.
Just as she regained her balance she felt her body lifted off the ground. “Ah! Stop, stop—”
“I warned you, mortal!” the demon bellowed as he hurled her away from him.
With a strangled cry, she landed sideways on a couch halfway across the room.
Get up! Dizziness . . . Keep him in sight, Ellie! After a clearing shake of her head, she clambered to her feet. The demon strode back and forth in front of her, vanishing and reappearing as he paced.
He was bigger than she remembered, and this time he looked even more murderous. His fists were clenched, tendons straining in his neck. His irises glowed red, veins of blood forking out over the whites of his eyes.
His face was spattered with blood, his pale hair stained with it. Again he was clad all in black, from his trench coat to his boots. Bullet holes riddled his shirt.
This can’t be happening! Stolen from death row at a maximum-security prison? By him.
“I promised you punishment!” He swung one long arm out to the side, bashing a marble column.
Chunks of it landed on the plush carpet at her feet, the entire building seeming to rock. His strength was monstrous, just like everything about him.
“You disobey me at your peril.”
She should be cowering from him. Instead, she felt a blistering rage boiling up inside of her. Ellie had thought she’d finally be free, that she’d at last defeat Saroya. She’d been two minutes away from death, ready for it. But this devil had thwarted her yet again.
He’d already taken away her freedom, ensuring she’d spent half a decade in a tiny, rank cell.
Five years despairing.
As she recalled those years, she found herself screaming, “What do you want from me? What?” Out of the corner of her eye she spied a vase, snatched it up. “Why can’t you leave me the hell alone?” She flung the heavy piece—it struck him in the chest and shattered from the impact.
As though she’d bashed it against a brick wall.
Even as she stared in disbelief, a heavy candleholder found its way into her grip. Two minutes. So damned close. She lobbed it overhand.
He . . . dematerialized, and it flew through his hazy form.
She gave a shriek of fury. Another candleholder went flying, a paperweight, a lamp.
He just dodged the missiles.
Can’t be happening! She was out of breath, desperate to hurt him, to punish him.
Eighteen hundred and twenty days without seasons, without snow or blooms, without friends or family. Her baby brother didn’t remember her. While Josh had been steadily growing toward manhood without her in his life, Ellie’s existence had been stagnant, punctuated only by bouts of evil.
She no longer felt like a . . . person.
I’m not a person, I’m Virginia DOC Inmate #8793347. I’m Saroya’s host.
Because of him.
Ellie’s gaze landed on a sword in a display cradle. She leapt for the weapon, yanking it free from its ornamental sheath.
The glimmering metal reflected light into her eyes. In that instant, clarity came.
She knew what she had to do.
Clutching the hilt in both hands, she turned on him. “I’m gonna gut you, demon!”
He drew back his lips
so she could see his horrifying canines, then flicked two fingers at her. Come on, then. . . .
Her eyes widened and she charged, sword poised to sink into his chest.
At the last moment—she turned it on herself.
“No!” he bellowed. Then somehow he was between her and the sword tip, wedged against her body.
The blade slid into his lower back until it met bone.
She gasped, feeling his muscles tensing against her, sensing his escalating rage. The red of his irises bled over the whites of his eyes completely. He bared those fangs down at her. “This makes twice that you’ve defied me, súka. You’ve erred for ill.”
With a snap of his wrist, he sent her flying to the floor.
Stunned. Flat on her back. Hysterical tears threatening.
She heard him removing the sword from his body, then tossing it away. Won’t cry in front of him. Won’t surrender to his bitch.
For courage, she recalled the years spent staring at cinder-block walls. Counting the blocks, the grout lines, seeing patterns and shapes. She’d called it the Cinder-Block Channel.
All block, all day. No interruptions. Ever.
Gritting her teeth, she twisted to her side, working to rise. Her hair had come loose, spilling over her face. She shoved a lock from her eyes.
“Stay—down,” he ordered, towering over her. He was a fiend, an animal, still had blood sprayed on his face. How many had he murdered today?
“Go back to hell, asshole.” Then she spat on his boots.
Lothaire snatched her upper arms, yanking her against him, ignoring the pain from his new wound. She tried to end herself again. Almost succeeded . . .
“Let me go!” She thrashed against his hold.
Elizabeth had nearly robbed him of his coveted Bride, had disobeyed his orders—twice—and had stabbed him.
Yet she was furious with him?
When she continued to flail, his grip tightened until a cry was wrenched from her lips, and she stilled.
Control yourself. He inhaled deeply. Else forfeit your Bride. He was far too strong to lose control when she was near. The rage . . . madness . . .
Inhale. Exhale. Saroya was in his keeping, safe for now. Disaster averted.